Al Masraf has stood in the forefront promoting joint economic ventures among its partners The UAE, Libya & Algeria. By providing world class banking & trade finance services in the gulf region Al Masraf strives to achieve its vision of becoming an innovative and preferred financial partner for all banking services in the region.

Leading the way to a progressive and futuristic bank

Board of Directors

Mr. Farhat Omar Ben Gdara


Mr. Farhat Omar Ben Gdara


Leading the way to a progressive and futuristic bank

Board of Directors


To become an innovative and preferred financial partner for all banking services in the region.


  • Become the first choice bank for customers with best-in-class products and services.
  • Be an employer of choice to attract, develop and retain high profile employees.
  • Benefit our investors with sustainable Return on Investment (ROI) and continuous success.
  • Contribute to society through active participation in the regional economic development initiatives.


  • Progressive
  • Connected
  • Trusted

Share Holding Structure

Emirates Investment Authority 42.28%

Emirates Investment Authority which is owned by the UAE federal government, owns a shareholding of 42.28% in Al Masraf.

Libyan Foreign Bank 42.28%

Libyan foreign bank, which is fully Owned by the Central Bank of Libya with an authorized capital of 3000 million Libyan Dinars, owns 42.28% in Al Masraf.

Banque Exterieure d’Algerie 15.44%

A state and commercial bank, established in Algeria on October 01, 1967, which is wholly owned by the Algerian government, owns a shareholding of 15.44% in Al Masraf.

H.E. Farhat Omar Ben Gadara


H.E. Mohamed Saif Al Suwaidi

Vice Chairman

Mr. Khalaf Sultan Al Dhaheri


H.E. Raja Mohammed AlMazrouei


Mr. Mustapha Makhlouf


Mr. Ahmed AlSidieg Al Sharkasi


Mr. Mustafa Elmanea


Mr. Rahali Lahouri


Fuad Mohamed

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Masood Safar Al Majedi

Chief Compliance Officer

Ms. Safeya Almarzooqi

Chief Credit Officer

Mr. Ammar Husain

Chief Human Resources Officer

Mr. Rohit Kumar

Chief Risk Officer

Mr. Moath Ahmed Mustafa

Chief Internal Audit Officer

Mr. Nitin Bhargava

Chief Operation Officer

Mr. Razi Heyasat

General Counsel & Board Secretary


Al Masraf Wins Nafis Award (2nd Cycle)

Fitch Affirms Al Masraf at 'A'

Al Masraf named ‘2021 Best Customer Service in Investment Banking’ at 2021 Transformation Leadership Awards

Al Masraf wins the prestigious Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award 2021 in silver category

al masraf wins the dubai quality appreciation award 2018

Bank on the go

Mobile Banking

High level security features are in place to make your online banking safe and secure with 24 hours access to all your accounts from anywhere.

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